Wine Cellar - Bodega 3.10 Celler - Mallorca - Spain


Elaboration and origin

Know our history

3.10 Celler was born on 3 October 2012 out of the enthusiasm and love that three of us have for wine and everything that surrounds it. Our beginnings were slow, but sure, the first years we made short productions, as our idea was to start shaping an ambitious project and see the expectations that our brand and our wines created and always know the opinion of the end customer. 

To do this, we wanted to be clear about our model to follow in terms of image, evolution of our wines and target markets. We have finished outlining the model we want to follow: quality wines with our own hallmark, grown in our vineyards in the picturesque regions of Manacor, Porreres and Felanitx.

Our brand

There are several interpretations that 3.10 Celler’s signature hides, many can be considered true and real, although only one is true:

  • There are 3 of us and in 10 minutes we were already determined to set up this project.
  • We started with 3 wines on approximately 10 hectares (located in Manacor, Porreres and Felanitx).
  • 3 qualities (its color, aroma and flavor) that are 10.
  • The project was born on October 3.

“Verses 3 to 10, of Chapter 2 of the Gospel of Saint John (Wedding of Cana where Jesus Christ turns water into wine).”

3.10 Celler Logo

Who are we?

3.10 Celler is made up of three partners: Miguel Feliu, Luis Feliu and Nacho Cordero. The first two are the owners of the vineyards, to whom they dedicate themselves body and soul; In addition, Miguel Feliu is our technical advisor, and he has an extensive career dedicated to the world of wines, since he spent more than ten years as secretary of the D.O. Pla i Llevant, from where he happened to this particular and ambitious personal project. Nacho Cordero is dedicated to the commercial, logistics and administration of the winery so that the joint dream grows based on the best wines.

Where are we?

3.10 Celler is located in Pla de Llevant, in the eastern part of the island of Mallorca, where there is a great wine-making tradition. The winery has more than 10 ecological hectares distributed between Manacor, Porreres and Felanitx. We are certain that the grape is extraordinary, the time and care that we constantly dedicate to caring for it guarantee it.

descubre nuestras visitas guiadas a 3.10 Celler

Our Guided Tours

At 3.10 Celler, we offer you a complete wine experience in Mallorca. Explore our vineyards (located in Manacor, Porreres and Felanitx) and discover the passion and tradition behind our wines during a guided tour of our manor house.  The experience includes a tasting of our red, white and rosé wines, followed by lunch with local produce. 

Share this experience with friends and family, and join us to create unforgettable memories in a friendly and fun atmosphere. Don’t miss the opportunity and book your visit at 3.10 Celler!

3.10 Celler: Passion and Quality

In the heart of the picturesque island of Mallorca, where the green hills merge with the blue of the Mediterranean, you’ll find one of the most promising and passionate wineries in the region: 3.10 Celler. Considered by many as the finest winery in Mallorca, 3.10 Celler blends the best of winemaking tradition with an innovative spirit that is reflected in every bottle of wine they produce. Situated in the Pla de Llevant, an area of the island with a rich history and winemaking tradition, 3.10 Celler is synonymous with quality, authenticity, and passion. Its over 10 hectares of ecological vineyards, spread across Manacor, Porreres, and Felanitx, set the stage where magic becomes reality.

Mallorca’s wineries are renowned for the quality of their wines, yet 3.10 Celler stands out for its unique approach and unwavering dedication to excellence. With a passionate team led by Miguel Feliu, Luis Feliu, and Nacho Cordero, 3.10 Celler has cultivated an enviable reputation as the jewel of wineries in Mallorca. Every bottle produced by this exceptional winery is a testament to the love and respect they hold for their land and winemaking heritage. For those seeking an authentic and extraordinary wine experience, a visit to 3.10 Celler is a must. Immerse yourself in the intense flavors and captivating aromas of the wines that only 3.10 Celler can offer, and embark on a sensory journey in the heart of Mallorca. Contact us if you’re seeking more information!